# Thanks to terminal.sexy for the colors help colors: # Default colors primary: background: '0x131313' foreground: '0xdddddd' # Normal colors normal: black: '0x1c1c1c' red: '0xb40f0f' green: '0x12981b' yellow: '0xfaff00' blue: '0x048ac7' magenta: '0x833c9f' cyan: '0x0ac1cd' white: '0xe5e5e5' # Bright colors bright: black: '0x666666' red: '0xe31313' green: '0x1ce129' yellow: '0xfbff3f' blue: '0x48c6ff' magenta: '0xbe67e1' cyan: '0x63e7f0' white: '0xf3f3f3' # Same colors in Termite format for easy importing into terminal.sexy... ###BEGIN### # [colors] # foreground = #dddddd # foreground_bold = #dddddd # cursor = #dddddd # background = #131313 # color0 = #1c1c1c # color8 = #666666 # color1 = #b40f0f # color9 = #e31313 # color2 = #12981b # color10 = #1ce129 # color3 = #faff00 # color11 = #fbff3f # color4 = #048ac7 # color12 = #48c6ff # color5 = #833c9f # color13 = #be67e1 # color6 = #0ac1cd # color14 = #63e7f0 # color7 = #e5e5e5 # color15 = #f3f3f3 ###END### bell: #animation: EaseOutCirc animation: Linear duration: 200 color: '#0088cc' command: program: beep args: ["-l", "75", "-f", "900"] background_opacity: 0.9 dynamic_title: true