# Maintainer: David Thurstenson pkgname=tlconfig-gui pkgver=0.1 pkgrel=1 epoch= pkgdesc="Thurstylark's system config: GUI and graphical environment" arch=() url="https://git.thurstylark.com/tl-archconfig.git" license=('GPL') groups=() # the terminal environment package will go here too depends=('xorg' 'xorg-xinit' 'numlockx' 'xautolock' 'i3' 'i3lock' 'py3status' 'dmenu' 'gcr' 'pulseaudio' 'pulseaudio-alsa' 'pavucontrol' 'ttf-inconsolata' 'ttf-liberation' 'ttf-symbola' 'ttf-indic-otf' 'noto-fonts' 'noto-fonts-emoji' 'noto-fonts-cjk' 'xclip' 'xdotool' 'mpv' 'youtube-dl' 'ffmpeg' 'maim' # AUR packages 'srandrd' 'light-git' 'xurls' 'spotify' 'j4-make-config-git' 'chromium-widevine' # Custom packages 'st-tl' ) makedepends=() checkdepends=() optdepends=() provides=() conflicts=() replaces=() backup=() source=('fontconfig.local.conf' '50-synaptics.conf' '10-dpms.conf' ) md5sums=('ad6c51353008142aa1359ecbce929ff9' '5584c5db17558cc6ccafc48e4e2d6f6b' '89a2c471c46f79c4571cd7ddb6974e88') package() { # Change 'monospace' fontconfig alias to Inconsolata install -D -o root -m 644 fontconfig.local.conf ${pkgdir}/etc/fonts/local.conf # Disable automatic DPMS monitor off time. I take care of that in my .xinitrc instead # Ref: https://wiki.thurstylark.com/Xinitrc.html#Screen%20Locker install -D -o root -m 644 10-dpms.conf ${pkgdir}/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-dpms.conf # Disable all tap clicking and make sure two-finger scroll is on install -D -o root -m 644 50-synaptics.conf ${pkgdir}/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-synaptics.conf }