# Add spaces to == headers such as "=header=" s/^\(=\+\)\([^=]*\)\(=\+\)$/\1 \2 \3/ # Replace comments s/# \(.*\)$/* \1/g # Replace == headers with # headers s/^= \(.*\) =$/# \1/g s/^== \(.*\) ==$/## \1/g s/^=== \(.*\) ===$/### \1/g s/^==== \(.*\) ====$/#### \1/g s/^===== \(.*\) =====$/##### \1/g s/^====== \(.*\) ======$/###### \1/g # Replace code tags s/{{{class="brush: *\([^"]*\)"/\`\`\`\1/g s/{{{class="\([^"]*\)"/\`\`\`\1/g s/{{{/\`\`\`/g s/}}}/\`\`\`/g # Replace * bullets with - bullets s/^\(\s*\)\*/\1-/g # Replace partially-finished checklist items with unfinished checklist items s/^\(\s*\)- \(\[[.oO]\]\)/\1- [ ]/g # Replace URLs s/\[\[\(.*\)|\(.*\)\]\]/\[\2\](\1)/g s/\[\[\([^]]\{1,\}\)\]\]/[\1](\1.md)/g # Replace comments s/%% \(.*\)//g # Replace TOC, Title, and draft status /%toc.*/d s/%title \(.*\)/# \1/g s/%nohtml/- status: draft/g