# Vimwiki Source: https://git.thurstylark.com/vimwiki.git/ ## Features - All content is stored in a git repo as vimwiki content (to avoid having to sync HTML content as well) - All content automatically converted to HTML and moved to the appropriate directory when the git repo is pushed - [Template](https://git.thurstylark.com/vimwiki.git/tree/html-template/index.html) based on bootstrap, so theming/building the template is easy peasy ## Table tweaks Tables without any styles are gross, so let's use the styles from Bootstrap. Problem is that Vimwiki doesn't provide a way to add a class to a table element, so we'll do it with JQuery: ```prettyprint ... ... ``` This adds `.table`, `.table-condensed`, and `.table-hover` classes to every table element in the whole document. Don't see why it should be any other way for the moment. ### References - http://stackoverflow.com/a/39897883 - http://www.w3schools.com/jquery/jquery_syntax.asp ## HTML Checkboxes By default, there is no difference between how a non-checkbox list item, unchecked list item, and a checked list item are displayed when exported to HTML. There are 5 states of a checkbox, 0-4, and they each represent a different level of completeness. This is mainly for checklist items with children. Checkbox states: | State * | % Complete | li class | Unicode character | Escape sequence | HTML code | |---------|------------|----------|-------------------|-----------------|------------| | 0 | 0% | `done0` | ◯ | `\u25EF` | `◯` | | 1 | 1-33% | `done1` | ◔ | `\u25D4` | `◔` | | 2 | 34-66% | `done2` | ◑ | `\u25D1` | `◑` | | 3 | 67-99% | `done3` | ◕ | `\u25D5` | `◕` | | 4 | 100% | `done4` | ✔ | `\u2714` | `✔` | Now, in order to use these in our HTML, we just have to write a style for `ul li.doneX:before` in our header like so: ```prettyprint linenums > ``` Now here's a few test lists: - [ ] Unfinished item - [X] Finished item - [ ] Parent item 1 - [X] Child item 1 - [ ] Child item 2 - [ ] Child item 3 - [ ] Child item 4 - [ ] Parent item 2 - [X] Child item 1 - [X] Child item 2 - [ ] Child item 3 - [ ] Child item 4 - [ ] Parent item 3 - [X] Child item 1 - [X] Child item 2 - [X] Child item 3 - [ ] Child item 4 - [X] Parent item 4 - [X] Child item 1 - [X] Child item 2 - [X] Child item 3 - [X] Child item 4 - [ ] Parent item 5 - [ ] Child item 1 - [ ] Child item 2 - [ ] Child item 3 - [ ] Child item 4 ## Push to Deploy The easiest way to manage this wiki, and also allow it to be hosted, is to commit all the wiki documents to a repo, and script the deployment to the wiki's webroot using git's post-receive hook. The origin remote repo also hosts the http server, so it makes things simple. Less simple because it requires a vim plugin to compile the HTML files, but it's still doable. First part of this solution is the vimrc for the remote machine. This sets the destination for the final html files, the origin wiki files, and the html template page. ```prettyprint linenums set nocompatible filetype plugin on syntax on let g:vimwiki_list = [{ \ 'path': '/tmp/vimwiki/', \ 'path_html': '/srv/wiki/', \ 'template_path': '/tmp/vimwiki/html-template', \ 'template_default': 'index', \ 'template_ext': '.html'}] ``` Note: lines 1-3 are required for vimwiki to work correctly with the post-receive hook. The rest of the config are options for vimwiki directly. The post-receive hook is a fairly simple bash script. This script is located at `~/git/vimwiki.git/hooks/post-receive`, and is run every time the repo receives a push from downstream. ```prettyprint linenums #!/bin/bash mkdir /tmp/vimwiki export GIT_WORK_TREE=/tmp/vimwiki export GIT_DIR=/home/thurstylark/git/vimwiki.git git checkout -f vim -u /tmp/vimwiki/html-template/srv-vimrc -c VimwikiAll2HTML -c q /tmp/vimwiki/index.wiki cp /tmp/vimwiki/html-template/slate.bootstrap.css /srv/wiki/ rm -rf /tmp/vimwiki ``` It first makes a directory under /tmp for the contents of the repo, sets `$GIT_WORK_TREE` and `$GIT_DIR`, and does a `git checkout` for all the files in the repo. Line 9 is where the magic happens. This line runs vim with the vimrc from above, and runs the `:VimwikiAll2HTML` command. Next, the script copies over the one CSS file that I need to host myself, and lastly, it cleans up the temp dir. ## TODO - [X] Commit to a repository - [X] Setup remote to host - [X] Setup remote to automatically `:VimwikiAll2HTML` after it's been pushed to - [X] Document push to deploy