= Thurstylark's Knowledge Base = Half brain dump, half documentation practice. === Projects === * [[Vimwiki]] -- This very wiki, and how it's hosted * [[Eudyptula Challenge]] * [[Cgit]] -- Configuration and hosting of https://git.thurstylark.com/ * [[Automating Android App Builds]] -- Documentation of my setup for building AsteroidOS Sync from https://www.github.com/asteroidos/AsteroidOSSync * [[Audiobook RSS Feed]] ===Dotfiles=== * [[Bashrc]] * Tmux * [[i3]] * Vimrc * [[Xinitrc]] -- Includes `srandrd` and X screen locker configuration * Pkglists * [[SSH]] ===Misc.=== * [[Links Of Infamy]] -- A link dump of things I find truly amazing * st * VPN * [[Chrome Search Shortcuts]] === Reference === * [[Thurstylark-VPS]] -- All the services and little tweaks unique to my VPS * [[LetsEncrypt]] -- Usage of certbot, and relevant info for Apache configuration === General === * [[Tasks]] -- Things to be done * [[Formatting Cheat Sheet]] * [[vagst-testing]] [[contact|Contact Info]]