2019-05-16 03:45:06 +00:00
### ALIASES ###
# Colorize all `ls` output:
alias ls='ls -AF --color=auto'
# Map "la" to `ls -la`
alias la='ls -laFh --color=auto'
# Colorize `grep` output
alias grep='grep --color=auto'
# Change layout of lsblk to include FSTYPE and remove MAJ:MIN, RM, and RO collumns.
# Always use sudo when using nmap.
alias nmap='sudo -E nmap'
# Switch $TERM temporarily (for logging into machines that don't have tmux-256color terminfo)
alias screenterm='TERM=screen-256color'
2020-07-03 01:11:55 +00:00
# Output only the UUID of the target device
alias printuuid='blkid -o value -s UUID'
# Output only the PARTUUID of the target device
alias printpartuuid='blkid -o value -s PARTUUID'