2016-01-20 10:52:38 -06:00
# Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting
# with '#' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts the commit.
# On branch master
# Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
# Changes to be committed:
2016-01-20 15:41:31 -06:00
# new file: nightly.target
# renamed: nightlypush.timer -> nightly.timer
# new file: pkglistbu.service
2016-01-20 10:52:38 -06:00
# Changes not staged for commit:
2016-01-20 15:41:31 -06:00
# modified: nightlypush.service
2016-01-20 10:52:38 -06:00
# Untracked files:
2016-01-20 15:41:31 -06:00
# ../../../.ICEauthority
# ../../../.README.md
# ../../../.RapidSVN
# ../../../.Xauthority
# ../../../.android/
# ../../../.bash_history
# ../../../.bash_logout
# ../../../.bash_profile
# ../../../.bashrc
# ../../../.cache/
# ../../../.chirp/
# ../../../.cinnamon/
# ../../Synergy/
# ../../Trolltech.conf
# ../../autostart/
# ../../dconf/
# ../../deluge/
# ../../ds4drv.conf
# ../../gconf/
# ../../gedit/
# ../../google-chrome/
# ../../gtk-2.0/
# ../../htop/
# ../../i3/
# ../../i3status/
# ../../libvirt/
# ../../maint/
# ../../menus/
# ../../nemo-compare.conf
# ../../nemo/
# ../../pbpst/
# ../../pkglists/
# ../../pulse/
# ../../rabbitvcs/
# nightly.target.wants/
# timers.target.wants/
# ../../touchegg/
# ../../transmission/
# ../../vcsh/
# ../../vlc/
# ../../../.dmrc
# ../../../.eaglemode/
# ../../../.esd_auth
# ../../../.git-credentials
# ../../../.gitconfig
# ../../../.gitignore~
# ../../../.gnome/
# ../../../.gnupg/
# ../../../.irssi/
# ../../../.lesshst
# ../../../.local/
# ../../../.node_repl_history
# ../../../.pkglists/
# ../../../.pki/
# ../../../.python-eggs/
# ../../../.ssh/
# ../../../.subversion/
# ../../../.themes/
# ../../../.tmux.conf
# ../../../.tmux.conf~
# ../../../.vim/
# ../../../.viminfo
# ../../../.vimrc
# ../../../.vimrc~
# ../../../.weechat/
# ../../../.xinitrc
# ../../../.xinitrc~
# ../../../.xsession-errors
# ../../../.xsession-errors.old
# ../../../.zenmap/
# ../../../0.4.2.tar.gz
# ../../../2015-09-24-raspbian-jessie.img
# ../../../2015-09-24-raspbian-jessie.zip
# ../../../49-wheel-nopasswd.rules
# ../../../ArchLinuxARM-beagleboard-latest.tar.gz
# ../../../Downloads/
# ../../../abs/
# ../../../archlinux-2015.11.01-dual.iso
# ../../../backup.sh
# ../../../baseball/
# ../../../blackmagic/
# ../../../bu.gitignore
# ../../../debconf.conf
# ../../../drengrave.zip
# ../../../ds4drv.conf
# ../../../engraver/
# ../../../fdboot.img
# ../../../github/
# ../../../gtk-theme-arc-git/
# ../../../installlist.save
# ../../../iptables.rules
# ../../../ipxe.efi
# ../../../ipxe/
# ../../../jessie-rpi2-20150705.img
# ../../../jessie-rpi2-20150705.img.gz
# ../../../matt.pub
# ../../../pbpst
# ../../../piconfig/
# ../../../raineysvn/
# ../../../rpi/
# ../../../rules
# ../../../rules1
# ../../../rules2
# ../../../sp-rpi-alpha-19-11-15.img
# ../../../spserv
# ../../../supportserv
# ../../../test
# ../../../test.txt
# ../../../wimboot-latest.zip
2016-01-20 10:52:38 -06:00