
29 lines
651 B

# Sway Config: Media workspace
# Thurstylark
set $ws-media Media
# Switch output to workspace
bindsym $mod+Home workspace $ws-media
# Move focused container to workspace
bindsym $mod+Shift+Home move container to workspace $ws-media
# Any mpv window should show on media workspace
for_window [app_id="mpv"] {
move container to workspace $ws-media
fullscreen enable
for_window [app_id="mctrl"] {
floating enable
resize set width 700 px height 200 px
move position center
move down 300 px
move window to scratchpad
# Launch mpv using the contents of the clipboard
bindsym $mod+Insert exec "alacritty --class mctrl -e mpv $$(wl-paste)"