Add main loop, add i2c rotary encoder, timer pause logic (still needs work), and prettytime()
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,6 +2,35 @@ import time
import board
import neopixel
import adafruit_datetime as datetime
from adafruit_seesaw import seesaw, rotaryio, digitalio
import busio
# i2c bus setup
SDA = board.GP0
SCL = board.GP1
i2c = busio.I2C(SCL, SDA)
# END i2c bus setup
# Rotary Encoder setup
seesaw = seesaw.Seesaw(i2c, 0x36)
seesaw.pin_mode(24, seesaw.INPUT_PULLUP)
button = digitalio.DigitalIO(seesaw, 24)
button_held = False
encoder = rotaryio.IncrementalEncoder(seesaw)
last_position = -1
# END Rotary Encoder setup
@ -35,6 +64,13 @@
# END Neopixel setup
# Use datetime.timedelta to convert an int of seconds to a
# string with the format MM:SS
def prettytime(seconds):
return str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=abs(seconds)))[2:]
# Set the color on a single neopixel based on colormode and
# whether yellowtime or redtime has been reached. Calling
# logic should iterate over every neopixel ID that should
@ -168,8 +204,129 @@ def countdown(
display_time_sign = "-"
display_time_sign = " "
print("current time: " + display_time_sign + display_time)
# Give the user feedback
# (this string will eventually go to a ssd1306 OLED display via
# displayio, but just put it on the terminal output for now)
print("current time: " + display_time_sign + prettytime(current_time))
# If the button is currently being pressed
if not button.value:
# We are paused
pause = True
# There's no long-press option before pausing, so button should
# no longer be down.
button_held = False
print("Timer Paused")
# Keep looping here as long as we're paused
while pause:
# If the button is being pressed
if not button.value and not button_held:
# The button is being held down
button_held = True
# Record when the button started being pressed
button_held_timer = time.monotonic()
# Keep looping while the button is down
while not button.value:
# Continually check if button_hold_delay has elapsed
# while the button is still down
if time.monotonic() - button_held_timer > button_hold_delay:
# Button should no longer be down
button_held = False
# Reset the long-press timer as a debounce method
button_held_timer = time.monotonic()
# No longer in pause mode
pause = False
# Give the user feedback
print("Timer Reset")
# Hang around for half a second for debounce
# Return from countdown() back to the main loop
# If the button is not being pressed and button_held is True.
# I don't understand why, but it gets hung up here sometimes,
# requiring the user to press the button multiple times to
# resume the timer again...
if button.value and button_held:
# Flip it back to False
button_held = False
# If the button is being short-pressed when it previously wasn't
# being pressed, and we are paused.
if not button.value and not button_held and pause:
# Flip it back to False
button_held = False
# Exiting pause
pause = False
# User Feedback
print("Timer Resumed")
# Hang around for half a second for debounce
# Hard-coded initial value. (will replace with stored value later)
set_time_orig = 120
set_time = set_time_orig
# How many seconds should be added to or subtracted from set_time
# for every encoder click
set_time_step = 60
# How long is a long-press in seconds
button_hold_delay = 2
# Main loop
while True:
# Negate the position to make clockwise rotation positive
position = -encoder.position
# If the encoder position has changed since last iteration
if position != last_position:
# If last_position is set to -1, assume it's just been
# initialized, so don't adjust anything
if last_position == -1:
# Clockwise turn increases set_time by set_time_step
elif position > last_position:
set_time += set_time_step
# Counter-clockwise turn decreases set_time by set_time_step
# only until 0
elif set_time > 0:
set_time -= set_time_step
# Update the position tracker
last_position = position
# User feedback
print("Current set time: " + prettytime(set_time))
# If the button is being pressed, and button_held is False
if not button.value and not button_held:
# Button is being pressed
button_held = True
# Capture the current monotonic clock time to later detect a long-press
button_held_timer = time.monotonic()
# Keep looping while the button is down
while not button.value:
# Continually check if button_hold_delay has elapsed
# while the button is still down
if time.monotonic() - button_held_timer > button_hold_delay:
# Reset the set_time to the value of set_time_orig
# (eventually, set_time_orig will be read from persistent config)
set_time = set_time_orig
# Give the user feedback
print("Time reset to: " + prettytime(set_time))
# Button should no longer be down
button_held = False
# Reset the long-press timer as a debounce method
button_held_timer = time.monotonic()
# If the button is not being pressed, and it previously was being pressed
if button.value and button_held:
# Button is no longer being pressed
button_held = False
# Start the countdown using the configured set_time
# Once the timer has been reset, re-init last_position.
# In effect, this will display the set_time to the user again
last_position = -1
# Turn off all pixels
Reference in New Issue
Block a user