> `cage` works quite well with systemd, and its documentation details how to accomplish this task without `greetd` if one wishes to. See: https://github.com/cage-kiosk/cage/wiki/Starting-Cage-on-boot-with-systemd
[`bpytop`](https://github.com/aristocratos/bpytop) is a great little resource monitor. I have a server with a small display that doesn't do much but show a login screen all day, and I figured why not just have the display run a resource monitor?
> Don't forget to [fix the graphs](/dotfiles/bpytop#fix-the-graphs) {.is-info}
You can launch any program directly to the VT and skip the X server or Wayland compositor nonsense. However, keep in mind that the VT can be pretty limited when it comes to the features we expect from a modern terminal program.
This should give you more flexibility with font sizing and configuration through `fbterm`'s [configuration file](https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Fbterm#Configuration_file).