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Greetd false 2024-03-09T01:26:21.021Z markdown 2024-03-09T01:26:21.021Z

Kiosk mode

greetd is great for running one full-size app started at boot with the help of cage. Here are some examples

Running a browser tab/window

Running bpytop

bpytop is a great little resource monitor. I have a server with a

# The VT to run the greeter on. Can be "next", "current" or a number
# designating the VT.
vt = 1

# The default session, also known as the greeter.

# `agreety` is the bundled agetty/login-lookalike. You can replace `/bin/sh`
# with whatever you want started, such as `sway`.
#command = "agreety --cmd /bin/sh"

#command = "fbterm -- bpytop"
command = "cage -s -- alacritty -e bpytop"

# The user to run the command as. The privileges this user must have depends
# on the greeter. A graphical greeter may for example require the user to be
# in the `video` group.
user = "thurstylark"