- When starting tmux with `new-session -d` as its command, tmux forks to the background, thus requiring `Type=forking` in order to let systemd keep track of the process.
- I run this service as my user and group, because I use the default locations for weechat config: `~/.weechat/`. This greatly simplifies weechat configuration.
- tmux configuration needs to be passed to tmux by using `-t /path/to/config`. Full path is used just to be thorough.
## Configuring tmux
tmux needs a configuration to disable the status bar, visual bell, and other things that won't be useful in this setup.
-`alias.cmd.norelay = "/buffer set localvar_set_relay hard-hide`
- Creates the `/norelay` command which is used to hide a buffer from being relayed to any relay client. This is mainly for stopping a buffer from alerting me on mobile.
-`relay.look.auto_open_buffer = off`
- Keeps weechat from opening a buffer with superfluous information every time a client connects or disconnects
-`relay.network.bind_address = ""`
- Weechat will only accept relay connections from localhost. This means any relay client that wishes to connect will need to tunnel over ssh first, then connect to the relay. Luckily for me, weechat-android does this natively.
By far, the most use of weechat will be from a workstation. With this setup, the only requirements of the client is ssh or mosh. I prefer mosh in this case because of it's reconnect capabilities, making it much less painful to keep a session running on a mobile workstation.
Also, the easiest way to launch this connection is to run literally `weechat`, so I set up a couple aliases for this in my `~/.bashrc` (found [here](https://git.thurstylark.com/vcsh/bashrc.git/tree/.bashrc)):
This gets run when bash starts, so this allows me to use the same `~/.bashrc` on the client and the server. More details on the Bash page.
The only thing not noted is that if the client has weechat installed (to /usr/bin/weechat) and `$HOSTNAME` is not "thurstylark-vps", an alias for 'weechat' will not be created, and weechat will launch normally.