This creates `~/.config/i3/config` by merging `~/.config/i3/config.base` and `~/.config/i3/$HOSTNAME.config`, and adds the 'archlinux' theme (included with j4-make-config). Optionally, you can add `-r` to tell i3 to reload the config after `j4-make-config` has completed.
Since using `j4-make-config`, the command for reloading the config has been changed to the following:
bindsym $mod+Shift+c exec "j4-make-config -r -a $HOSTNAME.config archlinux"
### Reference
## Media Keys
### Volume
This differs depending on if you're using ALSA or Pulseaudio. Thus, I include these instructions in the host-specific configs instead of the base config
The screen locker is already set up in [Xinitrc](, so all that is necessary in the i3 config is to set the key combination that should spawn `xautolock -locknow`.
This is another host-specific configuration, since `bar {}` has host-specific options apart from just the i3status config. It also includes the `j4-make-config` theme placeholder, since the theme definitions for the bar are separate from the main config.
I'll only demonstrate the most complicated of my current i3bar configuration. The rest can be viewed on the git repo.
Most of the i3Status configuration is pretty standard, and is well documented by [the upstream docs](, so I'll only document the specific directives I crafted/modified myself
### Volume
This directive chooses ALSA by default, PulseAudio can be specified by adding `device = "pulse"` to the end of this directive.